2nd October.Early Saturday morning I was back at Davidstow airfield in search of the three Pectoral Sands but unable to find them ,however I did find a very small wader which at first I thought was probably the Little Stint which had been reported a few days earlier,but on closer inspection ( and this bird was pretty confiding ) I thought this was'nt really like any Little Stint I.d seen before and appeared more like the Semi Palmated Sandpiper I,d watched last week ast Drift, I looked for webbing between the toes but was,nt really sure to what extent this should be, so took some photographs and hoped they might prove the i.d.

Andy Bond & then Brian Craven turned up & although I said I was trying to turn the bird into a Semi Palmated Sandpiper ,I lacked the courage of my convictions & settled on maybe an adult winter Little Stint, I later met Steve Rogers who also photographed it ,and that evening he rang to confirm that it was indeed a Semi Palmated Sandpiper,so after apoligising to our visitors who could see I was itching too download my days photos I was also able to pick out the webbed feet & other i.d. features of the Semi P.