1st and 6th September 2019.
A potential first confirmed record in the U.K the Brown Booby was found off St Ives and was just to much for me not to go and see, although I had to work and waited for the weekend to drive west to try. My first attempt to see it was with Joyce , the bird had been off Godrevy (overlooking St Ives bay) on the previous evening but alas on this morning it was not relocated, and not seen all day, I tried to tell my self that oh well we tried, its just a bird ,Im sure get over it, that is until the next day when it ( or even a second individual) was relocated at Kynance. Again more frustration as I had to work but I put in an extra shift to finish a job on the Thursday so that I could make an early morning trip down to Kynance Cove on Friday. On arrival a crowd of birders were on the cliffs and I was told the bird was still present, a walk up and down the steep coastal path and eventually saw the bird ,only problem was even through a scope it was just a distant speck resting on a rock. So a wait ensued until finally the Booby took to the air and flew around the bays giving better views, a quick dash to a better viewpoint where we watched the bird making a few forays around the bay where I was sat, and a few fly pasts, but never lingering in one place for long. Well worth the trip, seeing a great new bird in a beautiful location and managing a few record shots.
Kynance Cove |
Brown Booby |
Brown Booby |
Brown Booby |
Brown Booby |
Brown Booby |