Saturday 13 June 2020

A few more from home

In the recent couple of weeks I have been spending some time crawling around in the long grass and vegetation searching for any bugs I may come across. Lots of insects including caterpillars, beetles, flies ,bees and dragon and damselflies, you never know what you might find to focus the macro lens on. Here are some of the insects found so far.
Cardinal Beetle

Thick Legged Flower Beetle on Foxglove

Yellow Dung Fly

Dung Fly with prey


Scorpion Fly on Fern

Early ? Bumblebee

Peacock Caterpillars

Peacock Caterpillars

Drinker Moth Caterpillar

Blue Tailed Damselfly ( I think)

Male Broad Bodied Chaser

Male Broad Bodied Chaser

Female Broad Bodied Chaser


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