Sunday 15 September 2024

The Hebrides ,Scotland and Bempton. ( final part )

Our final day on the beautiful Hebrides and back on the ferry to Oban. WE then had two nights at a campsite near Newtonmore in the Cairngorms. The site itself was quite productive with a tame Song Thrush joining us and a close Red Squirrel devouring a pine cone which was a joy to see.we overlooked a birchwood which would shimmer in the breeze, a photo could'nt really do them justice. Also a pair of Spotted Flycatchers must have had a nest nearby as they were busy catching insects.
Not too far away we visited an Osprey site where we watched the parent birds come in with fish for their young ( from a good ) distance, we remember finding this site thirty odd years ago when we came up with the boys,how time goes on. A search for Crested Tits at Loch Garten ended in failure and a short walk up at Cairngorm, but alas no Snow Buntings to be found, and the railway was'nt working so the chance to look for Ptarmigan was gone. ( we did'nt fancy walking much further), but what a super place to be.
Onto Northumberland wher I really wanted to see what has been my British 'bogey' bird , the Roseate Tern, and a touristy trip out in a boat to Coquet island provided sighting of a couple of birds beside their nest sites.We also saw Sandwich and Common Terns as well as Puffin and Eiders
Onto Bempton in Yorkshire for the spectacular seabird colonies, one day and night was never going to be enough, I was hoping for some lovely evening and morning light but unfortunatly the skies remained fairly ordinary,but not too bad. Gannets are the main attraction with Kittiwakes,Puffins, Razorbill, Guillemot and Fulmar all very close on their cliff top nest sites. Also nice to see lots of Skylarks, Corn Buntings and nesting Reed Bunting on the walk out. The only thing I find here is not knowing when to stop taking photos and leave!. Great site.