Thursday 5 September 2024

The Hebrides, Scotland and Bempton ( part two) Barra and Vatersay

Arrived on Barra on a nice but cold day and headed the short distance to our first campsite.
After setting up we went for a short stroll along the rocky shoreline, where I was more than happy to discover a colony of Arctic Terns and Common Gulls as well as noisy Oystercatchers with young hidden in the grass, Common Sandpiper, Ringed Plover and a Black Guillemot as well as a flyover Whooper Swan, needless to say I wandered around this area on most mornings and evenings, making sure not to get too close to where the Terns were nesting.
Barra is a beautiful island ,we especially fell for Vatersay where we found Sanderling on the beach as well as young Meadow Pipit and Wheatear in the grassand a striking male Hen Harrier on route ( the first of a few for the week, but the only one I mananged to get a photo of). Another beach produced a single Little Tern , which I got rather excited about and lots of jellyfish washed up on the sand.

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