Sunday 21 July 2024

Poland: The best of the rest.

Finally got around to adding some more photos from the Poland trip. Collared Flycatcher was a new bird for me, ( quite common here in fact), and a lovely Citrine Wagtail was a highlight along with a dashing Bluethroat. And finally managed a photo of a Lesser Whitethroat, a species that has always eluded my lens in the U.K. I managed to see and photograph a few other bird species as well as a few Butterflies ( including lifers Map and Clouded Apollo), a Cockchafer and some Frogs!.

Wednesday 3 July 2024

Poland. Mammals

Caught up with three mammals in Poland, early morning visits to see the magnificent European Bison,( the first time I'd seen one of these )as well as a trip on a boat down the river in the dark to watch Beavers going about their buiseness and a chance roadside encounter with an Elk ( as well as two distant animals in the early morning mist).