Sunday 29 April 2012

Orange Tip

I,ve been trying to get a decent photo of Orange Tip Butterflies for a while now,and although I see them often enough, I,ve never been able to pin them down (not literally),but last week I found one in our field resting on a grass stem a then a cuckoo flower. Whilst trying to photograph it ,the heavens opened  and I found myself  lying flat out with my coat over my camera and me getting pelted with hailstones,(you have to suffer for your art), but I thought perhaps the flowers may be left with some water drops when it stopped, and that was the case with some nice shots resulting .Taken with a Sigma 150mm Macro lens,handheld.

Friday 27 April 2012


Fly seen through leaf
Oil Beetle

Wild Garlic

Wood Anemone (with passenger)

Wood Anemone
A nice day out with the Cornwall Wildlife Trust Photo Group at Lanhydrock saw us mainly looking for insects and flowers. I managed one or two reasonable shots .

Common Lizard

Common Lizard
Josh & Ollie found this Common Lizard and brought it for me to look at,( I have them well trained ). I placed it on a log in the sun where it came and went for much of the morning.

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Early Butterflies


Speckled Wood
Some early Butterflies have been seen around lately, and I,ve managed record shots of both Speckled Wood & Comma at Roadford resevior, but I,m still trying to get a decent shot of an Orange Tip.

Tuesday 17 April 2012


Wheatear preening

Early April has seen the arrival of a few male Wheatears on Davidstow airfield, most were pretty flighty but this one was'nt too bothered by me photographing it from the car.

Lower Tamar Lake

Marsh Tit

Willow Tit ?

Reed Bunting

A couple of weeks ago I spent a good part of a day at Lower Tamar Lake on the Cornwall / Devon border, not a lot on the lake itself but I stocked up the feeding station and had a few nice birds coming and going. I still had my same old problem of trying to seperate Marsh & Willow Tit, I know Willow Tits were present ,hearing them calling but unfortunatly not calling & showing at the same time, so if what I think is a Willow Tit is in fact a Marsh Tit,maybe someone will let me know. Reed Buntings were always around and a nice Treecreeper also put in a appearance.

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Long Tailed Tits nest building.

Long Tailed Tit

Long Tailed Tit
While working in a house in Launceston I noticed this pair of Long Tailed Tits building a nest outside in the garden , so I spent my lunch breaks trying to get some photos of them coming in with nesting material. ( I always take my camera with me - just in case )  Delightful little birds.Another shot on my main website.

Thursday 5 April 2012


Male Sisken

Sisken flight
Siskens have been daily visitors to the garden in recent weeks, particulary liking sunflower hearts and I have literally been on my own doorstep watching & photographing them. ( A couple more photos on my main website)