Thursday 22 November 2012

Autumn Grebes

I was trying to decide on going for the Bonaparts Gull at Dawlish or the Long Tailed Duck at Hayle,but as it was a nice day with sunny spells and little wind I decided  to go for some autumnal colour and thought Stover Country Park near Bovey Tracy  may produce some nice Grebe shots on some colourful water reflections. A little patience was needed to wait for the Grebes to swim into the right area at the same time as the sun came out. A good day and pleased with the photos. (And the Gull and the Duck may hang around for another week). A few more photos on my main website.

Friday 16 November 2012

Autumn Thrushes

Female Blackbird

Male Blackbird


In the last couple of weeks I've set the camera up on the bedroom windowsill to photograph the Thrushes eating the Hawthorn berries on the hedge outside, with Blackbirds always on view and good numbers of Redwings & Fieldfares coming  through... it keeps me happy .

Thursday 1 November 2012

A Day at Walmsley


Male Wigeon

Female Wigeon

Female Wigeon

Male Wigeon

Wigeon Flyover
Female Shoveller

Male Shoveller


Grey Wagtail in the rain

Kestrel & Jackdaws

Little Grebe
A day long visit to the Cornwall Bird Watching & Preservation Societys reserve at Walmsley at Wadebridge. Sometimes its nice to just sit somewhere quietly for the day and see what comes along, so I ensconced myself into the tower hide at Walmsley with my camera ,bins, coffee & sarnies and just enjoyed the comings and goings of the resident birds, nothing unusual but the light was pretty good and some of the commoner Wildfowl and other species came close enough for me to get some niceish shots.