Wednesday 26 July 2023

Dragonflies visiting our new garden pond.

No sooner had I finished our new small garden pond , filled it with water and put a few plants in,the Dragonflies were there. First the Broad Bodied Chasers mating and laying their eggs by dipping into the water, then the impressive Emperors ovipositing onto the lily leaves and posing for some nice photos.

Wednesday 19 July 2023

Nesting Starlings

Great to find a pair of Starlings nesting in this Cornish church again this year, although the usual pair nesting in an old Woodpecker hole in a nearby tree has'nt been used. A species which seem to be declining as a breeding bird in this area.

Sunday 16 July 2023

A Dartmoor wood.

A visit to a woodland on Dartmoor to look for typycal summer species of that habitat, including these Pied Flycatchers carrying food to their nestboxes and being treated to a pair of Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers visiting the nest in a rotting fungi covered birch. Used to always see Wood Warbler here but sadly no longer.

Saturday 15 July 2023

Dartford Warblers

Nice views of this Dartford Warbler gathering food for its fledged young. Devon.