Tuesday 28 April 2020

Some Lockdown birds from the garden and field

We haven't left our home in the last few weeks except for walks around the village and the lanes and fields next to our home. We are very lucky to live where we do and having a garden and field ( an area of which I have kept for wildlife with a pond and small areas of bramble and trees and rough grass etc). Birds are now nesting with Chiffchaff, Blackcap and Yellowhammers singing daily alongside the commoner residents. The first damselflies and dragonflies are just emerging and all the wildflowers are putting on a super display this year which in turn attract butterflies and other insects.
So although we would dearly love to go and look at the sea, or take a drive out to the moors we are staying put and enjoying what is on our doorstep. Here are a few of the commoner birds so far photographed.
Blue Tit at pool

Great Spotted Woodpecker

Male Chaffinch

Great Tit

Robin preening

Robin sunning itself


Robin with food for its young


Saturday 18 April 2020

Red Crested Pochard

March 2020 (Before lockdown)

The last time I left the house to photograph any wildlife was back at the beginning of March before this virus and subsequent lockdown affected us all. A very handsome male Red Crested Pochard was still showing at wrafton near Braunton in Devon, a bird I had not photographed well before. It wasn't difficult to find as it was swimming around close to the small viewing platform, coming very close at times.