Thursday, 6 March 2025

Pink Footed Goose

Pink Footed Geese are fairly scarce down here in Devon and Cornwall , with just a handful turning up each winter, so it was a bit of a surprise when I found this one mixing with the few resident Canada's on a large farm pond at North Petherwin in Cornwall. I took a few record shots and planned to go back in the next day or two with a small hide to get some better photos, but alas he had gone on his way.

Tuesday, 25 February 2025


I found this little gem feeding around the beachside scrub at Looe in Cornwall, always on the move and never with a clear background.but still quite pleased with the photos and always nice to see.

Friday, 21 February 2025

Booted Eagle in Cornwall.

When a very rare Booted Eagle was reported near Marazion in West Cornwall I had to go and try and see it, having seen only one in the U.K before which was at nearby drift reservior twenty five years ago, but that record was'nt excepted by the powers that be, ( although I believe it is going to be under review now),but this one seems to be genuine though. I first went down on 13th January and after standing in a layby on the busy A30 for a couple of hours, eventually saw it distantly for a couple of minutes!.
Luckily it has stayed around the area, so on 31st January I went back in the hope for a better view, this time from a pavement on another very busy main road where the Eagle put on a good display , one time flying directly over the heads of an admiring crowd of birders.

Friday, 7 February 2025

Glossy Ibis

15th January 2025. Not the rarity they once were, but still if one is showing well not too far from home, than it would seem rude not to go and take a look. This beauty was on Bude marshes in North Cornwall.

Sunday, 2 February 2025

Female Bullfinch

This female Bullfinch was feeding on the Brambles right outside of my hide/shed,almost too close to photograph, still waiting for the male to show up. ( I see them quite often in and around the garden but not yet by the hide, frustratingly when a friend spent an hour there one came and bathed in front of him!)

Monday, 27 January 2025


November 2024. My annual trip to Slimbridge WWT while Joyce goes out shopping with her sister. It was a sunny but cold day and the recent snow had all but gone. The usual birds were on show, nothing too unusual except for a lone Spoonbill, the Bittern failed to show as usual and I could'nt find the Green Winged Teal, however the light was fantastic and walking through some of the collections of wildfowl I watched as a few wild Mallard and Shelducks flew in and land beside some lovely orange reflections of the nearby Larch trees.So I waited here to try and get some shots as they swam close by.

Thursday, 23 January 2025

Pallid Harrier

7th November 2024. Dont get to see many lifers these days, so when a Pallid Harrier turned up near Cadoveer bridge on Dartmoor, thought I'd better make the effort, and after two attempts, and a long wait I caught up with it flying low over the bracken, a young bird, it showed well for just a minute or two. The photos were just quick record shots but nice to see.

Monday, 20 January 2025

Shopping can be good.

November 2024. On the way home from Plymouth we popped into Morrisons superstore in Tavistock,I had noticed the berries in the car park on a previous visit and hoped some birds may be feeding on them. Straight away I saw Blackbirds and Woodpigeons having a good old feast, so Joyce went to do the shopping while I photograped them at fairly close range ( always have my camera with me, just in case). So yes, sometimes even shopping can be good.